Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Gruntz armour support

Have been working on turning some matchbox Strykers into some armour support for my 15mm Gruntz force. I picked a couple up from Target for $9 each, a bargain. They aren't a bad looking model. A couple of minor faults that are easily covered up or ignored..
Glued the moving parts down and used the top hatch to make a radar, it is in the future after all. My dust pan brush kindly sacrificed some bristles for the whip antennae.
Give them a quick base coat of dark grey then laid on some diamond stripes with Tamiya masking tape. Then a coat of black green and some more masking. Finally coat of neutral grey...Then time to peel the masking tape off to leave behind a spiffy cam job ??
Washed with straight from the pot GW black oil or what ever its called these days...and a quick drybrush with london grey and a hit with grey tamiya weathering powder. 
Yep...Happy with that so far.
Picked out the tyres in black and cut some MDF bases for them...Tended to roll away. Can't have that in a game, give new meaning to tabletop "Shoot & Scoot"..
A bit of texture on the bases and some weathering to try and match the base...a couple of tufts and "Ta Da"
Happy with the result. Now I have to do the third one which I got later so that it matches these two..
Can't wait to crush some Gruntz under these babies. :)

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